learning opportunities.
We’re working to create/build community resources and programs to address the needs of language acquisition in order to build a bridge between the worlds of deaf and hearing.
The C.I.R.E. Initiative (Consortium of Interdisciplinary Resident Educators) is a home-grown program with UNM to develop skilled and qualified teachers to better serve our students.
We offer sign language classes to family and community members to promote school, family and community interaction and increase awareness of deaf and hard of hearing children and their abilities.
Our Honey Badger Summer Conservation Crew is a community-based summer program specializing in hands-on outdoor education for deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students.
the first and only.
The ASL Academy is the first and currently the only state-certified dual-language ASL-English program in the nation. We’re ambitious in our pursuit of reform and innovation.
Through our partnership with UNM, we are the leader in deaf and special education reform in the state and are currently supporting dual-language ASL-English teacher certifications and trainings.
Additionally, we are partners with University of Minnesota and Penn State to create a deaf-normed reading assessment that can be used for all deaf or hard of hearing students in New Mexico.
We are also the only school in New Mexico to work with Harvard’s P.E.A.R Institute in developing a system of school-embedded social-emotional programming for all students.