
Special Board Meeting March 24th at 4:00pm:  Discussion/Possible Action re Approval of Lease Purchase Agreement

Monthly Governance Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 4:00pm via Zoom Video Conference (see Agenda for online access information or click this link). Meetings are open to the public. To request additional reasonable accommodations, including an ASL Interpreter, please submit your request in writing via email or regular mail to be received no later than 6 days prior to the meeting.



Monthly Governance Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 4:00pm via Zoom Video Conference (see Agenda for online access information or click this link). Meetings are open to the public. To request additional reasonable accommodations, including an ASL Interpreter, please submit your request in writing via email or regular mail to be received no later than 6 days prior to the meeting.

prior meeting minutes.

join the board.

Any person who desires to be considered for one of the Elective Positions on the Board shall submit a letter of interest and resume to the Board no later than August 1st of each year. At the August Board meeting, the Board shall vote to approve or disapprove, as a whole, any candidates for any open position(s) based on the qualifications outlined in Article II Section 2 of the Bylaws. If approved, all such candidates shall be placed on the election ballot at the Annual Meeting held in September. Letters of interest can be mailed to the school at P.O Box 6589, Albq. NM 87197 to the attention of the Board Chair.

board members.


Kimberly Moya 


Dana Grubesic 


Vonnie Sachse 


Jane Cavanaugh 


Venesee Taylor 


Nicole Lucero

Albuquerque Sign Language Academy Honey Badgers Logo

The ASL Academy is continuously working to provide additional programming opportunities for our children and families—opportunities that were not available until the opening of this charter school.

As always, we thank you for your support as we continue our mission and expand our program.

You are truly changing lives

Albuquerque Sign Language Academy Honey Badgers Logo

The ASL Academy is continuously working to provide additional programming opportunities for our children and families—opportunities that were not available until the opening of this charter school.

As always, we thank you for your support as we continue our mission and expand our program.

You are truly changing lives

Albuquerque Sign Language Academy Honey Badgers Logo

The ASL Academy is continuously working to provide additional programming opportunities for our children and families—opportunities that were not available until the opening of this charter school.

As always, we thank you for your support as we continue our mission and expand our program.

You are truly changing lives


The ASL Academy is a registered
non-profit 501(c)(3).